Collection "Score High in English"

Who is Score High in English (SHIE) for?

SHIE is an English six-level coursebook for Moroccan pupils in primary education.
   For schools that start English at year one of primary education, the first two books are for initiating pupils to the basics of English (vocabulary, spelling/handwriting and pronunciation) and familiarizing them with easy language through enjoyable light activities.
• For schools that start English at year three, book three is a real beginning of English learning. So there is no worry if pupils at this level have not used books one and two as they are recycled in book three.

What are the components of SHIE?

SHIE consists of six books corresponding to the six levels in the Moroccan primary education. In each level, there are:
• A pupil’s book and a workbook with an interactive CD.
• Pupil’s portfolio with audio stories for extensive reading.
• A teacher’s book with an audio CD.

Pupil’s Book + Workbook


Interactive CD


My Portfolio


What are the general methodological orientations of the course?

SHIE is :

        • Moroccan context adapted.
        • pupil-centered
        • adequately graded
        • interactive
        • product-oriented
        • project-based
        • task-based
        • independent learning oriented
        • innovative

What are the special features of SHIE?
• it is adapted to the Moroccan context (primary national curriculum, number of hours and age of pupils).
• it introduces a balanced view of culture (Moroccan and foreign cultures).
• it is built around attractive content (both topics and activities)
• it adopts a balanced view of assessment (summative, formative and peer/self-directed)
• SHIE audio and interactive CDs contain authentic native speakers for the audio
• SHIE teacher’s book includes detailed lesson plans to guide teachers towards best professional practices
• SHIE is designed with high quality and attractive materials and look.

Why a portfolio for each level?
“My Portfolio” is a really innovative document wherein both teachers and pupils are introduced
to this useful educational tool. The activities are based on the main content of the course but in an integrative and independent way. Each portfolio contains the following components :
• ‘My profile’ where pupils introduce themselves and their immediate context.
• Six ‘Just do it!’ activities that focus on the main topic of each unit and require pupils to produce their own content.
• Three extensive reading ‘Stories’ to develop the reading habit as an enjoyable and useful educational practice and life skill.
• Three ‘Progress self-check’ quizzes that pupils carry out as a formative self evaluation.
• Two ‘Global self-check’ tests are planned at the end of each semester.
• ‘Quizzes and tests performance’ checklist is meant for self-valuation.
• ‘Stories I read’ and ‘Other stories to read’ are checklists for pupils to develop personal awareness of their extensive reading progress while encouraging them to read more stories.

Teacher’s books With Audio-CD



Collections Scolaires


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